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  • Sarah Bradshaw

23andMe Health + Ancestry DNA Test Kit Review

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

We tested the 23andMe Health + Ancestry kit recently. From pricing, to reporting insights, we'll provide all the information you need to know before you buy.

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23andMe is a leading personal genetics company that offers a range of DNA testing services. With a simple saliva sample, 23andMe provides insight into an individual's ancestry, health risks, wellness, and more.

From ancestry tracing to pharmacogenetics, 23andMe offers a comprehensive and personalized view of an individual's genetics that can help inform important decisions about their health and well-being.

Products and Pricing

There are three options available for purchase all which include different offerings:

Sample Collection

To start the process, customers receive a kit with a pre-paid label to return a saliva sample to their lab. After creating an account and completing a lengthy questionnaire, reports are available in about 3 weeks.

Genealogy Reporting

23andme uses DNA testing to give you an in-depth look into your genealogy background, with reports on over 2,000 regions. Their reports give you a granular view of your ancestry, including where your ancestors came from and how their DNA has influenced your own.

In addition to ancestry information, 23andMe also offers curated content on the history, food, and popular travel destinations connected to your DNA ancestry, providing a well-rounded and interactive experience.

Family Tree Reporting

23andMe's family tree reporting is a feature that allows users to discover new relatives and build out their family tree. By connecting with other 23andMe members who have opted in for this service, you can find DNA matches and distant relatives. The family tree feature builds out a visual representation of your family history, making it easy to see how you're related to others and to explore your ancestry.

This feature is a great tool for genealogy research, as it provides access to a community of others who are interested in learning more about their ancestry and connecting with relatives.

Traits Reporting

23andMe's traits reporting provides insights into various physical and behavioral characteristics. The reports cover a range of features, including physical attributes such as hair photobleaching, freckles, skin pigmentation, and more. Additionally, it includes information on taste and smell preferences, such as cilantro taste aversion, sensitivity to sweet or salty flavors, and asparagus odor detection.

image from 23andMe blog

The traits reporting also includes miscellaneous reports on a variety of other interesting characteristics, such as the photic sneeze reflex, the ability to match musical pitch, and misophonia (hatred of the sound of chewing). Overall, the traits reporting provides a unique and fun way to learn more about yourself and your ancestry.

Health Reporting

By analyzing a person's DNA, 23andMe can give them information on their likelihood of developing certain health conditions and help them understand how their genes may impact their health. The health reports include information on genetic risks for conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and certain cancers, as well as carrier status for genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia. It's important to note that the health reports are not a diagnosis and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Instead, they provide a starting point for discussions with a healthcare provider about a person's health and potential health risks.

Health Predispositions

23andMe's health predisposition reporting provides information on a person's genetic risk for certain health conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

The reports are based on a person's DNA analysis and are designed to give individuals a better understanding of their personal health risks and to help inform conversations with their healthcare provider.

image from 23andMe site


23andMe's wellness reporting provides information and insights into a person's lifestyle and habits and how they may impact their overall health and wellness. The reports cover a range of topics, including diet, fitness, sleep, and stress, and provide personalized recommendations based on a person's genetics. For example, the reports may suggest specific types of exercise that are best suited to a person's body type, or offer dietary recommendations based on their genetic predisposition to certain nutrients.

The wellness reports also include information on factors such as caffeine metabolism and lactose intolerance. By providing a comprehensive view of a person's wellness, the 23andMe wellness reports aim to help individuals make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Carrier Status

23andMe's carrier reporting provides information on a person's carrier status for certain genetic conditions. By analyzing a person's DNA, 23andMe can determine if they are a carrier for conditions such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and more. Being a carrier means that a person has one copy of a genetic variant associated with a certain condition, and while they may not have the condition themselves, they can pass the variant on to their children.

The carrier reports are an important tool for individuals and families who are considering starting a family, as they can help them understand their risk of passing on certain genetic conditions to their children. The reports are also useful for individuals who want to learn more about their genetic heritage and their potential risk for certain health conditions.

Pharmacogenetics reporting

23andMe's pharmacogenetics reporting provides information on how a person's genes may impact their response to certain medications. By analyzing a person's DNA, 23andMe can determine their genetic variants that are associated with differences in drug metabolism and provide personalized recommendations for medication use based on their genetics.

image taken from 23andMe site

This information can help individuals and their healthcare providers make informed decisions about their medication regimen and reduce the risk of adverse reactions to certain drugs.


23andMe is a cutting-edge DNA testing kit that offers a comprehensive and personalized view of an individual's genetics. From ancestry reporting to health and wellness insights, the kit provides a wealth of information that can help individuals make informed decisions about their health and wellness.

Whether you're interested in learning more about your genetic heritage or want to get a better understanding of your personal health risks, the 23andMe DNA testing kit is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals. Overall, 23andMe's commitment to innovation, accuracy, and privacy make it a standout choice for anyone looking to take control of their genetics.

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